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The area called Şehitler Street (Martyrs’ lane, Kirov Park), which is within walking distance to the city center, was first named Şehitler Street in memory of the funerals of Azerbaijan and Turkish soldiers who were killed by the Soviet Army during a catastropih event, known as the January Massacre and and later to those killed in Nagorno-Karabakh War. Martyrs' Lane is also home to the large memorial to the 1,130 Turkish troops, which were killed while fighting Bolshevik and Armenian forces in the Battle of Baku in 1918. Estimated number of 15,000 people are buried in the cemetery park.

In 1990, former Soviet troops raided Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. At that time, Baku was protesting against Armenian expansionists demanding part of Azerbaijan territory. However, tanks and armored vehicles from the former Soviet Union attacked the peaceful demonstrators. As a result, 147 civilians were killed and about 800 injured. Hundreds of people were also arrested and tortured in several forms. The massacre was recorded in Azerbaijan history as "January Massacre.“

The Nagornokarabach War was fought in Nagornokarabach, an enclave and Armenian ethnic enclave that existed inside Azerbaijan from 20 February 1988 to 16 May 1994. Immediately after Armenia and Azerbaijan became part of the Soviet Union in 1920, the Nagorno-Carabach region was restored to the Armenian Republic, but in 1924 it was restored to the autonomous region of Azerbaijan for administrative convenience and suppression of Armenian nationalists.


As a result, a small number of Nagorno-Carabach Muslim Azerbaijans controlled about a large number of Christian Armenians, and the conflict between the two sides intensified. As soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, nearly 70 years of conflict began to erupt. The Armenian people of Nagorno-Carabach declared the "Nagorno-Carabach Independent Republic" in 1991, but Azerbaijan did not approve of it, leading to armed clashes between the two sides. About 30,000 people were killed on both sides before the ceasefire, with 500,000 refugees in Armenia and 700,000 in Azerbaijan.

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Thousands of people visit the place daily to pay their respect for the fighters for independence and for the innocent victims of the monstrous events. The Eternal Flame memorial at Martyrs' lane often covered by wreaths is usually attended by many presidents and dignitaries of Baku.

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